Singing Guide: Oscar Benton

Singing Guide: Oscar Benton

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Oscar Benton's Vocal Technique

Oscar Benton is a Dutch singer who rose to fame in the 80s with the blues song "Bensonhurst Blues". He was known for his deep and emotional voice and his ability to convey a wide range of emotions through his singing. In this article, we will explore his unique vocal technique and discuss practical tips and resources to help learn singing like Oscar Benton.

Oscar Benton's Vocal Technique

Oscar Benton's singing style is characterized by a deep and rich voice, often described as soulful. His songs have a bluesy feel, and he is known for his ability to convey emotion through his singing. One of the most striking things about Benton's voice is his ability to sing effortlessly in his lower register. He can sing with power and control in this range, which gives his voice a unique and memorable quality.

Another defining element of Benton's vocal technique is his use of vibrato. Vibrato is the natural oscillation of the voice, which gives it a rich and expressive quality. Benton's vibrato is especially notable because of its controlled and consistent nature. He manages to create a smooth and even vibrato that adds depth and emotion to his singing.

Practical Tips and Singing Carrots Resources

Breathing and Posture

Breathing is a crucial element of singing, and Benton was no exception. To develop a deep and powerful voice like Benton's, it's important to focus on your breathing technique. Active and passive breathing, breath support, and diaphragmatic breathing are all essential concepts to master. The breathing basics article on Singing Carrots is a great resource to get started.

Posture is another critical element of singing. Good posture helps to open up your rib cage and allow for deep breathing. Pay attention to your shoulders and neck to make sure they are relaxed, and keep your spine straight. Singing Carrots has an excellent article on how posture affects your singing, which provides practical tips and exercises to help improve your posture.

Vocal Technique

To sing like Oscar Benton, it's essential to focus on your vocal technique. Benton's voice was characterized by his use of the lower register, vibrato, and controlled phrasing. Singing Carrots has a range of articles that can help you develop these skills. Here are some essential articles to check out:

Song Selection

To develop your voice like Oscar Benton, it's important to choose songs that showcase his vocal style. Benton was best known for his blues songs, which often featured slow, soulful melodies that allowed him to showcase his range. Some of his most memorable songs include "Bensonhurst Blues", "I Believe in Love", and "Changes". Singing Carrots has a fantastic song search feature that can help you find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.

Vocal Range

Oscar Benton had a deep and powerful voice that resonated in the lower register. To develop your voice like his, it's essential to know your vocal range. Singing Carrots has a vocal range test that can help you determine your range and compare it to famous singers. The test is fun and interactive and provides practical tips to help you develop your range.


Oscar Benton was a unique and memorable singer, known for his powerful and emotive voice. By focusing on your breathing, posture, vocal technique, and song selection, you can develop your voice to sing like Benton. The Singing Carrots platform provides a wealth of practical resources and tools to help you on your journey to becoming a great singer.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.